Known as the “Father of Skyscrapers,” Louis Sullivan’s only building in New Your City is the Bayard Building in NOHO, which I walked by every day on my way to Cooper. On the heels of the landmark historic preservation of Grand Central Station in 1976, this project explores the debate between preservation and adaptive re-use. Illustrating Sullivan’s approach to skyscraper design, the Bayard Building is divided into three sections: an ornamental base topped by a decorated crown and a series of blank identical floors. Preservation of the façade sections as a free-standing monument to paradigm Sullivan ornament is juxtaposed in this project against a mixed-use adaptive re-use of the “modernist” skyscraper core. Together, preservation and adaptive re-use are utilized to unite the elements of Sullivan’s design to conserve, revitalize and repurpose this historic building.
Louis Sullivan Bayard Building; Preservation/Adaptive Re-use
Problem Type
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Architectural ElementsSite
Bayard-Condict Building, New York, New York, United States
Author Text
Faculty Text
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