Original plan of Bucharest. Plan analysis of two rivers and civic buildings, also a Mitropolia (central church).Plans. streets of old city with old river and new river with new main streets.Plans, analysis of four churches that were movedInterstitial spaces of moved churches and new civic building plans. Plan, analysis of old river and new river with civic buildings. Red indicates that buildings where destroyed. Vampirical sites, the four stages of birth: gestation, embrionic, fetal, birth. [BLANK][BLANK][BLANK][BLANK][BLANK][BLANK][BLANK][BLANK]Installation polaroid.
The four undead sites produced four clinics for the four stages of child birth. Gestation, Embryonic, Fetal, and actual Birth. This is realized through erasure, concealment and displacement. The clinics grow out of the civic buildings until they become their own thing. The first three stages are accessed the their from the civic buildings, while the actual for the birth is directly accessed from the street.
Analysis: Bucharest (Urban Myth)
Academic Year
Faculty Text
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