Plan and studies. Plan and studies. Plan and studies.  Plan and studies.   Studies. Plan and studies. Plan and studies.  Plan and studies.  Plan and studies.  Axonometric. StudyPlan and axonometric. Plans.Plans.Axonometric. Plan sketch. Plan sketch.  Plan sketch.  Plan sketch.  Plan sketch.Axonometric sketch.Axonometric sketch. Axonometric sketch.  Axonometric sketch. Section sketch.
This analysis of the Olivetti project by LeCorbusier explored several formal design strategies. These included criteria such as 1) expressions of recurrent sculptural themes by LeCorbusier, such as the “Open Hand” motif found in his earlier projects; 2) geometric constructs, i.e., the diagonal of one, two, or three squares reflected in relation between the building axis and the highway; and 3) correlating the building’s geometric axes with one’s visual field and depth of perception at various velocities of travel when approaching the building by car. Following this study, a hypothetical design was explored using two-dimensional three-dimensional forms in the manner of LeCorbusier's later work, in particular the Olivetti and the Carpenter Center projects.
Ramp Studies
Problem Type
Program Types
Architectural Elements
Author Text
Faculty Text
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