Study of "Las Meninas" by Diego Velasquez.Site plan.Site plan, Zocalo, Plaza in Mexico City. Plan, 400 Square foot house.Plan.Plan. Axonometric. Plan.Section.Section. Axonometric, House of Passage. Litho print, Section House. Final model.Final model.Final model, elevation view. Final model, elevation view.  Final model, elevation view.  Study model, elevation view. House of Passage, 400 square foot house. Study model, elevation view. House of Passage, 400 square foot house.  Study model, elevation view. House of Passage, 400 square foot house.  Study model, 400 square foot house. Study model, 400 square foot house.Study model, 400 square foot house. Study model, 400 square foot house.  Study model, elevation view, 400 square foot house.  Study model, elevation view, 400 square foot house.  Study model, elevation view, 400 square foot house.   Fourth Year model, for Thesis reference.Fourth Year model, for Thesis reference. Study model detail.Site photo. Still life.Pre-sketches of House of Passage.Section sketch.Section sketch. Installation photograph.
My thesis is a continuation of my fourth year project , the site is also in Mexico City. I designed a 400 square foot house on an entrance to the subway station, this house can be experienced by anyone who passes through the Zocalo or the subway station. This house can be read to understand Mexico City, to understand the past and the present.
House of Passage
Problem Type
Program TypesArchitectural Elements
Zócalo, Mexico City, Mexico
Faculty Text
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