Site drawing of Pamunjom area and beyond.Diagram of the Korean Demilitarized Zone and its waterline connections between North and South Korea.Schematic studies of the house representing the new species ( 3rd Generation) in the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Schematic studies of the house representing the new species ( 3rd Generation) in the Korean Demilitarized Zone.  Schematic studies of the house representing the new species ( 3rd Generation) in the Korean Demilitarized Zone.   Site plan of Pamunjom Plan, lower level. Plan, upper level. Plan, upper and lower level. Plan, upper and lower level with cross section superimposed.Plan, upper and lower level with cross section superimposed. Site model.Model, house on the Sachong River replacing The Bridge of no Return.Model, house on the Sachong River replacing The Bridge of no Return.Model, house on the Sachong River replacing The Bridge of no Return.Model, house on the Sachong River replacing The Bridge of no Return. Model, house on the Sachong River replacing The Bridge of no Return.  Photo of Pamunjom.Photograph of The Bridge of No Return.Photograph of mother and son uniting. Photograph of mother and son uniting.Photograph of separated people looking to find their families by listing them on the walls.Photograph of separated people looking to find their families by listing them on the walls. Installation polaroids.
House for a Separated Family by the Korean DMZ in Panmunjom
Problem Type
Program TypesArchitectural ElementsSite
Panmunjom, Korean Demilitarized Zone
Author Text
Faculty Text
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