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Gussow, Sue Ferguson / 2 projects

Sue Ferguson Gussow is a figurative painter working in a wide range of drawing and painting media. She is Professor Emerita of The Cooper Union School of Architecture where she continues to conduct the Advanced Drawing Seminar. She has taught, lectured or served as visiting critic at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Bennington, Maryland Art Institute, Pratt Institute, RISD, Parsons School of Design, Tulane University, New York University, Alfred University, the Frick Collection, the Royal Academy of Art, School of Architecture in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Aarhus School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark and the EPFL Ecole D’Architecture in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Numerous museums and collections holding her work include the Brookyn Museum, Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design, Dallas Museum of Fine Art, Seattle Art Museum, New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans Jazz Museum, Philadelphia Free Library, Frick Collection Archive, the Museum of Modern Art lending collection. Her work is represented in the private collections of the C.B.S. Building, Schuyler B. Chapin, Diana and David Rockefeller Jr., Mary Schmidt Campbell, Jane and Morley Safer, and estates of Dore Ashton, Werner Kramarsky, Van Deren Coke, Carl Djerassi, Jeanette Rockefeller, Werner Muensterberger, and John Q. Hejduk.

Notable among many solo exhibitions have been those at the New Orleans Museum of Art, 1966, Stanford Museum, 1983, honoring her year at Stanford University as the Pamela Djerassi Visiting Artist (1982-83), a 40 year retrospective at the Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery, The Cooper Union, 1997, reviewed in The New York Times by Paul Goldberger, the Center for Contemporary Art, Bedminster, New Jersey, 2015, reviewed in The Star Ledger by Dan Bischoff. Her most recent solo exhibit at Front Art Space, Manhattan, April 2017, was reviewed in LUXE by Barbara Stehle. An exhibit, PREGNANCY, is scheduled at Front Art Space for April 2019.

She is the author of Draw Poker, The Cooper Union, 1997 and Architects Draw, Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.

In 2017 alumnae of the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union honored her with the Sue Ferguson Gussow Scholarship, endowed in her name, awarded annually in perpetuity.

Photograph by Photo by Frank Fournier.