Peter Millard / 20 projects

Peter Millard (1924–2009) was an American architect and educator. He was born in New York City in 1924, grew up on Staten Island and became a naval aviator during World War II. He studied architecture at Dartmouth College and in 1951 earned a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Yale, where he was a student of the architect Louis Kahn and the philosopher Paul Weiss. He contributed several articles to the Yale journal Perspecta, and, as a partner at the firm of Earl P. Carlin, Architects, he designed two firehouses in New Haven which won Progressive Architecture awards in the 1960s.

Over the next four decades Millard continued to practice architecture in New Haven and teach at the Yale School of Architecture.

This text has been adapted and compiled from the following sources:
In Memoriam: Architect Peter Millard, Won Awards for Firehouse Designs.” Yale News, September 12, 2011.